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5 Reasons to Use VPS

A per estimates, the VPS market size is expected to reach $8.3 billion by the year 2026. It comes as no surprise that there has been a surge in the demand for Virtual Private Servers (VPS) among website owners that want to host their websites. Let us elaborate on a few of the main reasons that have fuelled the rapid and constant increase in the number of websites that are being hosted on Virtual Private Servers. But before that, let us touch upon some information on VPS and its types.

What is a VPS and a VPS Hosting Plan?

A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a type of a web server that is used in web hosting and it carries out the basic functions of a web server, which are as follows –

  • Storing the files of websites

  • Processing the stored files

  • Receiving the incoming requests, generated by the browsers of site visitors

  • Responding appropriately to the aforementioned requests by locating the stored files, processing those and making those available to the browsers for quick retrieval

Web server space on a VPS can be purchased from a web hosting company, such as HTS Hosting, which is considered as a Top Website Hosting Company. Web hosting companies are also referred to as web hosts or as web hosting service providers. To avail server space on a Virtual Private Server, in order to host the files of your website on it, you need to purchase a VPS Hosting plan. Every VPS Hosting plan will offer you, server space on a VPS, wherein the files of your hosted website will be stored and processed. Moreover, you will get a set of features (technologies and services) such as a certain amount of bandwidth, SSD, user-friendly control panel, high uptime, fast page loads, 24*7 technical support, etc., which are meant for your convenience as a user of the web hosting service, as well as for the efficiency of the service. You, as a website owner, can purchase a VPS Hosting plan from any professional and reputed service provider, including HTS Hosting, that offers a range of efficient and affordably-priced VPS Hosting plans.

Now that you know that the way to host your website on a VPS, in order to reap its benefits, is to avail a VPS Hosting plan from a reliable service provider; let us cast light on what a VPS is.

A Virtual Private Server is a web server that hosts multiple websites on a single physical web server but is able to deliver the environment of a dedicated server to each of these websites that are hosted on the same web server (VPS).This is made possible through Virtualization Technology. The web server space of a VPS is virtually partitioned into multiple private, isolated, independent servers. Each of these servers that has been created virtually is fully-equipped to function as an independent web server and can install its own software, Operating System (OS) and host a website. In this way, a VPS is able to provide dedicated server space as well as dedicated server resources to each of the websites that is hosted on it.

When a site is hosted on a Virtual Private Server, its speed, performance and security get enhanced due to the availability of dedicated server resources and dedicated server space. This is one of the major benefits of hosting a site on a VPS. Moreover, A VPS offers these benefits at a much lesser price, when compared to a dedicated server. Hence, it proves to be an excellent value-for-money hosting solution for resource-intensive sites and sites that need dedicated server resources, as well as for sites that have strict requirement for augmented speed and security, by offering a less expensive but equally effective hosting solution than a dedicated server.

To summarize, a Virtual Private Server offers the following benefits –

  • Availability of dedicated server resources

  • Availability of dedicated server space

  • Availability of dedicated IP address

  • Flexibility to customize the server (installation of own software and OS)

  • Enhanced site speed

  • Augmented site security

  • Powerful site performance

Different Types of VPS Hosting Services

If your website requires dedicated server resources, dedicated server space, dedicated IP address and server customization, and you are looking for a cheaper alternative to a dedicated server, then a VPS is what you should opt for. You can avail a Virtual Private Server, as either a Managed VPS or as a Self-managed VPS. Most of the professional web hosting companies, including HTS Hosting, offer a range of VPS Hosting plans, for different VPS Hosting solutions, such as the following –

  • Linux Managed VPS Hosting

  • Linux Self-managed VPS Hosting

  • Windows Managed VPS Hosting

  • Windows Self-managed VPS Hosting

A Managed VPS Hosting plan is meant for a site that is hosted on a Managed VPS, which is a Virtual Private Server that is provided by the service provider as well as is managed, updated and kept secure by the service provider. On the other hand, a Self-managed VPS can be availed through a Self-managed VPS Hosting plan. This type of a Virtual Private Server is provided by the service provider but is managed, updated and kept secure by the user, without any assistance from the service provider in this regard. Depending on your convenience and your technical know-how about managing a VPS, you can choose between either a Managed VPS Hosting solution or a Self-managed VPS Hosting solution. Both are equally effective and value for money hosting solutions. The only difference between a Managed VPS and a Self-managed VPS has to do with the management of the server. The former is managed by the service provider and the latter is managed by the user.

The Main Reasons for Using a VPS

As mentioned previously, there are major benefits of using a Virtual Private Server (VPS). Here, we shall touch upon 5 of the main reasons for using a VPS, which have also ensured its rapidly growing popularity as a web hosting solution.

  • A Less Expensive, Equally Effective Hosting Solution Than a Dedicated Server

A Virtual Private Server offers almost all the benefits that can be gained by using a dedicated server (dedicated server resources, dedicated IP address, dedicated server space, reliable and stable performance, server customization, etc.) at a much lesser price. Hence, it provides an efficient alternative to using a dedicated server, whose plans are priced higher. A site that needs dedicated server resources for its proper functioning, can avail the same, at a lesser price and save money by opting for a VPS, instead of a dedicated server.

  • Availability of Dedicated Features and Sever Customization

Despite the shared server environment where multiple websites are hosted on a single web server (VPS), a VPS is able to deliver dedicated server space, dedicated server resources and dedicated IP address to every hosted site. The availability of dedicated server resourceshelps enhance the performance and the speed of the hosted site, whereas the availability of dedicated server space offers augmented security.

The flexibility to customize the web server is also present, when a VPS is opted for. By virtually creating several, private, isolated and independent servers inside a single web server space, a VPS ensures that every user of the VPS has the flexibility to customize the server and can install his/her software and OS.

  • Enhanced Site Speed and Performance

As per statistics, sites that are hosted on a VPS, load up to 15% to 35% faster than the sites that use shared server resources (Shared Hosting). Moreover, Virtual Private Servers that use SSDs, can load web pages in under 200ms. Such fast loading speed increases the chances of attaining a high search engine ranking. Here, it needs to be mentioned that HTS Hosting includes expandable SSDs in all its VPS Hosting plans for Managed VPS (Linux and Windows) as well as for Self-managed VPS (Linux and Windows).

The availability of dedicated server resources not only enhances site speed but also enhances the performance of the sites that are hosted on a VPS. When a site performs well and most importantly when its web pages load swiftly, it succeeds in providing a positive user experience to site visitors, which helps in ensuring site revisits.

  • Augmented Security

Since every website that is hosted on a VPS, exists on an independent, virtually-created, private server, it is able to function from its dedicated server space. This enhances its security significantly. A VPS offers a secure hosting solution to the websites that are hosted on it and that too at a much lesser price, when compared to a dedicated server.

Flexibility to Manage the Server (Self-managed VPS)

Those that avail a Self-managed VPS, exercise full control over server management as they have to manage their own VPS, as well as update and keep their VPS secure. In a Self-managed VPS Hosting plan, the user has the full responsibility of ensuring the proper management and maintenance of the VPS, without any assistance from the service provider. Hence, the user of a Self-managed VPS handles server management, software installation, core updates, etc., independently and doesn’t have to depend upon the service provider for these tasks.


The rise in the demand for VPS can be attributed to the aforementioned reasons which are also the benefits that it has to offer, which renders VPS Hosting a value-for-money hosting service and a perfect alternative to a dedicated server.

HTS Hosting offers a range of feature-rich VPS Hosting plans for both, Managed VPS and Self-managed VPS, that can be availed at heavily discounted prices.

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