In the wake of searching for the most appropriate web hosting plan for your site, you might realise that you are inundated with choices in terms of not only web hosting service providers but also various web hosting services and plans. On the one hand, it is good to have a wide range of options to choose from, but on the other hand it can land you in conundrum. The availability of too many web hosting plans, leaves you in a quandary with regard to whether to opt for a web hosting service that is extremely affordable but isn’t feature-rich or select a plan where you might have to compromise a bit on the price but the plan offers you everything that you need for the seamless online availability of your website. Should you prioritize the affordability of the plan over the presence of extensive features or vice versa? Let us help you make this important decision.

Web Hosting Plans
Web hosting plans, which are meant for rendering your site accessible online and for keeping it up and running uninterruptedly, are offered by various website hosting companies and can be availed as Shared Hosting, Dedicated Hosting, Reseller Hosting, VPS Hosting, WordPress Hosting, Cloud Hosting, etc. Different types of web hosting services exist to fulfil the hosting requirements of different types of sites, as well as to cater to different budgets of the site owners. This gives rise to the tug of war between two important criteria for selecting web hosting plans; price and features. Before we delve deeper into it, let us discuss briefly how web hosting works.
In website hosting, server space, along with all the necessary technologies and services are provided for the hosted sites to become accessible to online website visitors. The web servers that are made available through this service, store the files of websites. These files are retrieved by various web browsers of different Internet users. At this stage the websites become accessible to site visitors. Hence, it is essential for every website to avail the service of website hosting. It needs to be mentioned here that you should always opt for web hosting provided by a reputed and professional service provider, such as HTS Hosting, that has earned the reputation of being the best Website Hosting Company, owing to the high quality of service which it has been offering at budget-friendly prices.
Essential Features in Web Hosting Plans
Before opting for any web hosting service, you must ascertain the presence of some essential features in it. Let us elaborate on these features, which every web hosting plan must provide for the seamless availability of the hosted site and for its efficient functioning and excellent performance. Here’s a list of some of the main features.
High uptime- The purpose of developing any site and availing the service of web hosting to render the site accessible online, is to increase reach by getting more and more site visitors and expand customer base for business sites. That is why every site needs to be seamlessly accessible and to ensure this you need to avail such web hosting service that offers high uptime. The higher the uptime, the more online availability of your site, as your site will be up and running continuously and will remain accessible to Internet users.
Fast Page Loads – Every website aims at delivering the best user experience of the site to its visitors. Web pages that load quickly offer a positive user experience and contribute significantly in ensuring site revisits. It is recommended that you opt for web hosting plans that offer fast speed as well as use SSDs (Solid-state Drives).
Secure Hosting – Ensuring that you have availed a secure web hosting service is extremely important, especially when cybercriminals are lurking in the cyberspace to exploit security vulnerabilities. You should make sure that your hosting provider follows all the best practices with regard to secure hosting and is not only well-quipped in this regard but also works proactively to maintain and enhance the security of the provided services. Every reliable hosting service provider has a team of experts that is well versed in matters pertaining to the security of its servers as well as of the entire service that is being provided.
Round-the-clock Technical Support – Technical support that is available immediately and which is proficient enough to resolve quickly the issue that you are experiencing in your service, goes a long way in ensuring that the downtime of your site can be kept at a minimum. The availability of expert technical support helps to resolve your hosting-related issues without much delay and is instrumental in keeping your site available online uninterruptedly.
Apart from the aforementioned features, you should ensure that the plan that you are purchasing offers at least the following features-
Sufficient bandwidth for your site’s effective functioning
User-friendly control panel
Data backup facility
SSL certificates
One important fact that usually gets overlooked has to do with your service provider having its own data centre. Providing service directly from a data centre definitely adds to the efficiency and credibility of the web hosting service. Let us take the example of HTS Hosting to understand the importance of this feature.
HTS Hosting operates from its state-of-the-art, fully-equipped data centre, which houses its powerfully configured web servers. When you avail any web hosting plan of HTS, you know that your service provider is not relying on some other company for its infrastructure requirement. Hence, it is in a position to take every necessary step to fulfil and deliver what it has committed, in terms of the quality of service that will be provided to you. The web servers of HTS Hosting are maintained and managed by our team of technical experts. This ensures that all our servers are always up and running at fast speed and you can rely on our servers for the peak performance of your site. Moreover, our ever-vigilant team works proactively to keep the servers as well as the hosting environment fully secure. In case of any technical issue, which we get informed about, our team is available to fix it immediately as the servers are owned and managed by HTS itself. The advantages of availing hosting service from a service provider that functions from its own data centre are in plenty. Hence, it is recommended that you avail service from a web hosting company that not only provides the best quality of service, along with all the aforementioned essential features in its web hosting plans, but also operates from its data centre.
Price Vs. Features
If you have to choose between a plan that is low-priced but lacks the essential features that have been mentioned and one that has those features and more but is priced slightly higher; it is advisable that you opt for a web hosting service/plan which is feature-rich. That is because it is the features provided in your website hosting plan which will determine the performance of your site. At the end of the day, it is your site’s performance that matters the most and its seamless, secure availability at fast speed to the site visitors. This can be ensured only by a plan which is equipped with all the necessary features which are meant for this purpose. Here, it needs to be mentioned, that you should always consider your site’s hosting requirements, and opt for a plan that best meets these requirements. To digress, HTS Hosting prioritizes your convenience in this regard, and makes sure that our cordial and well-trained customer care executives are always available to assist you in selecting the most appropriate plan, based on your specific hosting requirements and budget.
Budget is definitely an important factor to consider, while opting for web hosting but if the choice is between price and features, then you would be better off prioritizing features over price.
The good news is that when you avail any of the efficient and affordably priced web hosting services of HTS Hosting, you will never have to choose between price and features. We are committed to providing our global customers top-tier service through our budget-friendly web hosting plans. Our extensive experience in web hosting makes us fully aware of the hosting requirements for various types of websites. This knowledge has aided us in designing such web hosting plans which are full of features for your site’s top-class performance and are available at prices that are well within everyone’s budget. The Shared Hosting plans of HTS Hosting start at Rs.31/month and these plans include free SSL certificates. Our other hosting services for Linux and Windows are also affordably priced and full of features.
HTS Hosting operates from its data centre to offer an exceptional quality of fully secure hosting service that perpetually delivers high uptime and fast page loads and keeps your site always accessible to site visitors. Our wide range of feature-rich hosting plans, which is available at massively discounted prices, makes sure that you get the perfect combination of both, affordability and features, in your web hosting package.